FPX 44 Elite NexGen-Hybrid
The 44 Elite NexGen-Hybrid™ fireplace is a high-efficiency, clean-burning wood fireplace with a large firebox that can heat up to 3,000 square feet. It features a huge viewing area, Posi-Pressure technology, and a Classic Arch door that replicates the look of a traditional masonry fireplace. NexGen-Hybrid™ technology reduces emissions, improves efficiency, and extends burn time, so you have to go to the woodpile less often.
Maximum Burn Time: Up to 12 hours;
Log Length: 32”;
EPA Tested BTU Range: 12,016 to 54,510 BTUs/Hr. (crib wood);
Cord Wood BTU Range 12,500 to 78,000;
Emissions: 1.1 grams/particulate per hour (crib wood);
Efficiency: 81.3% HHV.
Different face options available.
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